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10 December 2010

Jeff Dunham


 Jeff Dunham (born 1962) is an American ventriloquist and stand-up comedian. Dunham began performing for audiences as a teenager, at schools, during his job at Six Flags and even church just to get noticed by others that he is a funny comedian. Some of his characters include some very funny people like: Walter;Walter is a retired, grumpy old man with arms always crossed in discontent. He has a brash, negative and often sarcastic view on today's world.  Peanut;Peanut is a hyperactive, purple-skinned "woozle"with white fur covering most of his body, a tuft of green hair on the top of his head, and one red sneaker on his left foot. José Jalapeño on a Stick; José is a talking jalapeño pepper on a stick who wears a small sombrero. José, who speaks with a thick Latin accent, is typically paired with Peanut, who often makes fun of José, uses appeals to Latino stereotypes when doing so, and makes fun of his being on a stick. Bubba J;Bubba J is a beer-drinking redneck. One of his stand up comedian is when peanut meets jose jalapeno on a stick and he starts to diss on him about his accent. He really makes you laugh cause peanut with his question, staments, and everything adds so much hilariousness to the show.

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